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Neutral® is premium quality apparel for men, women and kids made from 100% organic Fairtrade cotton. All Neutral® clothing is produced and certified according to the highest environmental, social and ethical standards in the world. Defined and monitored by external organizations, the certificates make sure Neutral® products are manufactured with true regard for people and planet. Neutral® shows commitment to sustainability. And that's a beautiful message worthwhile sharing. Through Certified Responsibility™ labeling and hangtags, you can share your inspiring stories with great impact on a T-shirt you need anyway.


Neutral® is premium quality apparel for men, women and kids made from 100% organic Fairtrade cotton. All Neutral® clothing is produced and certified according to the highest environmental, social and ethical standards in the world. Defined and monitored by external organizations, the certificates make sure Neutral® products are manufactured with true regard for people and planet. Neutral® shows commitment to sustainability. And that's a beautiful message worthwhile sharing. Through Certified Responsibility™ labeling and hangtags, you can share your inspiring stories with great impact on a T-shirt you need anyway.